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I volunteered at the library yesterday evening and this morning. Yesterday the were having a sort of end of the summer reading program party and I did face painting (it wasn't really face paint it was regular paint =/) and when there were like almost no kids there and I was insanely bored I painted stuff all over my face/hands. I painted a pink heart, a orange sun/flower thing, and a red clown nose on my face and a pac-man rainbow on my hand. I also finished my summer reading thing today and I got a certificate and a book ("The Subtle Knife" (note the pic)) in my picture there are also the other prizes I got earlier first I got a dinosaur and then a unicorn. I had to read 45 hours to finish my thing but every two hours you volunteer you can color in a square for that instead of reading a hour. So I actually read 38 hours (I think).
I was on the local news singing "Tomorrow" from Annie. Because our church had a vigil because of the Knoxville TN church shooting. It was really sad and touching. I got to sing "Tomorrow" because when people were shot some kids were preforming Annie and the news people were there taping stuff from our vigil. It's sad I was on the news because of this really depressing and sad thing but I'm excited I was on the news.

I just finished painting part of a wall. We got paints today from "Home Depot" that match my new bedspread so we can paint my room. I got a pink paint called "Pinwheel" and a green one called "White Jade". So since even though I cleaned up my room my mom and dad didn't want to move stuff/help me paint they let me paint a little part of my wall. So...TA-DA!
I knitted a purple hat for the Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser just now! I think it's my favorite hat I've knitted so far! BTW purple is the color of the Cystic Fibrosis Ribbon.

My hats of course! I made some more hats for the Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser yesterday. I knitted a yellow hat and then a red hat. So yeah more hats....yay?
My friend Maggie came over to my house for a sleepover last night after our performance of Annie Jr. We had lots of fun, we watched Spirited Away, we made pancakes for breakfast, and then we watched part of our performance of Godspell Jr. last year.
Today I bought a necklace from my friend Maggie. She's trying to rise money to go to a conference in D.C. so she's making necklaces and selling them. I love mine. Anyway tomorrow is our first performance of Annie so it will have been a year in like shows since my first show at TROUPE it's amazing how nervous I was at my first show and how I haven't really felt that nervous at my last couple of shows. I think I might be more worried about Annie since we are probably going to have a much bigger audience like we had for Godspell and School House Rock Live Jr. So I don't know how nervous I'll be (if at all) but it's just really exciting!
I got Jelly Shoes today from Target I'd seen them at Target and thought I didn't want them and then a few of the kids from TROUPE got them and they look really cool. I've loved Jelly Shoes since I was like 4. I also got a purple shirt with green, red, white, yellow and purple stripes, 3 buttons at the top and long-short sleeves like the sleeves almost come to my elbow. I got it since I'm planning on volunteering again at the Library next week and they don't want you to wear shirts with words on them and I really only have like 2 that don't have words on them so I thought I should add another shirt without words to my wardrobe (I think it's fun to use fancy words sometimes).
My friend Maggie and I volunteered at the library yesterday and today. Yesterday wasn't very exciting we helped set up like a million games but after that we really didn't get to do anything. Today was really fun we help a few people sign up for the Summer Reading Program, cut leaves out of colored paper for a display maybe, they had "tickets" to give to people who are going to story time to help them count the people who go, we handed out prizes and other stuff for the Summer Reading Program, and for the last story time (of 3) we were supposed to help the kids be quiet but the bad ones were sitting with they're parents so.....yeah. By the way I found this picture on the internet and it's a cake!
I went to the Library today to get some more books, sign up to volunteer at the Library this summer and so that Leon could get his first summer reading club prize. I had reserved 2 books online ("Catwings" and "Catwings Return") and when I went to the library I found out that they had them so YAY! I also got some books that are in a series sort of but there isn't a series name so I got "Once Upon a Curse" and "Salamander Spell". Like I said I went to the Library so sing up to volunteer so I picked up a application for teen volunteers and I'll turn it in tomorrow.

I went to the pool with some friends today. It was really fun since it was hot outside, and I went with a 1 year old and his mom so that was fun. My mom, dad, brother and I went to a musical thing to "raise skate park awareness" since we might be getting a decent skate park. My brother and I got T-shirts the event was called Loud Fest so the shirts have someone on a skateboard and they say Loud Fest on them. Mine is black and my brother's is red. So today was somewhat busy and fun.