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On our way home we stopped at a Outlet Mall and I got some new jeans from Aeropostale! It was fun the like hallways of the mall is out side and the stores are each a little tiny building but other than that it's like a regular mall like in the middle of the outside hallways there are benches and gum ball machines, and I liked that fact that it was mostly outside. We also stopped at a little mexican restaurant for lunch and the food was really good. Anyway I liked the little gum ball machine. Actually we went to lunch first and then my mom and I went to the mall. I signed up for TROUPE a couple of days ago so YAY!!!! I'm so excited this summer we're doing the play "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" (by the way I LOVE one of the songs in it and I was hoping we'd do the show this year) and someone who was in the original cast is going to come and choreograph and direct the show! So I'm really excited!!!! I also got a 50 dollar scholarship for TROUPE's vocal training program. I had no idea about this so it was really cool to find out about it when we were signing up, anyway the scholarship isn't based on financial need or anything like that but is based on how much a part of TROUPE you are or how much of an asset you are. So I'm excited for TROUPE year #14 YAY! We also had a interview and photo shoot for a magazine that goes out to all the homes in our town so that was cool, but I had to miss part of the photo shoot because the interview took longer then it was supposed to and my mom and I had to get to choir practice.
Wow it's been suck a long time since I last posted. Well we went to Galveston, but before we left we found a turtle in our yard if you look at his right side you can see a hole in his shell. I guess he got hurt the poor little guy. =( I went to the post office and got stamps out of one of those cool stamp vending-machines (the liberty bell ones), I mailed some letters and a package, we went to the pool, it was a different one then the one we normally go to this one is bigger and has several slides and more kids go there. So that's what we did before we went to Galveston.
A knitting/crocheting website called is having a Ravelympics 2008 where you try to get as much knitting done as you can during this years Olympics. Now I found out about it too late to join in for real but I'm going to do it with out actually joining. So today I knitted a Cowl while watching the Olympics. I mostly saw Swimming and Gymnastics either this morning or in the early afternoon I saw Cycling but other then that all I saw was Swimming and Gymnastics, which is cool with me since I swam and my brother is on a Gymnastics team. In 2004 I think I also saw mostly Swimming and Gymnastics and I loved watching those I remember seeing a little bit of Volleyball which was also cool. So yeah anyway this is my Olympic Cowl and in the picture is a new shirt I got from Target last night.
Two days ago my dad, my brother and I went to go see wall-e. It is the most awesome movie EVER! Well maybe not ever but it rocks! There's very little talking which I thought would bother me but I loved the movie anyway. Well there's like no talking in the beginning and then quite a bit at the end....I don't guess I should say anymore about it in case you're going to watch it, but watch the movie today or like insanely soon 'cause it rocks!

I went to the mall yesterday and bought a new awesome purple shirt with hearts on it from Aeropostale. I also had a coupon for a free Big Bite Cookie from Great American Cookies that I got from one of the Liberians when I was volunteering at the library so I got my cookie and it's not a big cookie, but I guess it's big if you eat it all in one bite. I went to the library to get a book call "Stupid Sock Creatures" it's by a guy named John Murphy. It is a insanely awesome book about how to make sock monsters I got it yesterday and I've already made 4 sock monsters they're names are Orangeade, Cookie, Psycho Bunny and Zack. Orangeade and Cookie are mine and I made Psycho Bunny for my mom and I made Zack for Leon.
Today I had a horse riding lesson it was sooo much fun! The horse I rode was named Caravelle. The person who owns the stable and runs the lessons asked if I would like to help out with birthday parties there sometime and I said yes. So that might be cool. Also it seemed pretty easy and I think the person was impressed with how well I rode so next time it might be harder. But even though I could do all the stuff it was still TONS of fun. This picture is one of me 3 years ago at the end of a summer camp taught by my old evil horse riding teacher. But I didn't know she was evil yet so I had fun at the day camp.