Basically I just wanted to post some of my favorite pictures of Rigby (my cousin) and also go check out my Aunt and Uncle's toy store blog ToyStoreGossip. Leon and I helped to take some of the pictures there like this one of fairies.
Last Thursday was my first performance of "Dirty Dealings in Dixie" and last Sunday was my last performance it was really fun and REALLY tiring my Aunt and Uncle and their baby Rigby were here too. I was Mrs.Chataway one of the two town gossips I really hate that that's what I was since really it was some much cooler then it sounds. The play was a spoof of "Gone With the Wind" so we all got amazing costumes (and I got a gun!! (and I got to point it at people in the audience!!!) and the audience got to "BOO!" and "YAY!!" and "AWWW!" and best of all.....THROW POPCORN!! Anyway it was tons of fun! Last Saturday I went to two engagements/performances with TROUPE so basically all day it was performance after performance after performance but it was fun I got to sing 2 solo songs and the same little solo twice in a medley. So anyway to sum it up last weekend was REALLY busy and yesterday and the day before we had auditions for our next show! (friends were cropped and blacked out of the picture so thats why they look weird.)
Someone at my church gave the sermon or talk as a guest speaker a couple weeks ago and she asked me to sing during the offering. She said that her topic was nature and to pick a song about nature so I picked "Colors of the Wind" from "Pocahontas". I had knitted a hat to wear that Sunday and then she asked me about my hat and I said I knitted it so she gave me two skeins of beautiful Yarn Bee Mosaic Twist in Terra Rose as a thank you present last Sunday. So I made a hat out of it which I had been wanting to make for a while but I didn't have the right yarn for it, and I think I have enough left to make some matching mittens.
Well it's Socktoberfest and so when we were in Austin I was working on these lovely socks. I finished sock #1 and most of sock #2 but two days ago I finally finished sock #2 at home . I also had left sock #1 in the hotel room in Austin but the people at the Hilton mailed it back to me (and it was stained (but I got the stain out)). Clearly my first Socktoberfest socks have been through a lot. I named them Dragon Tales after a show on PBS I used to watch when I was littler.
I made some socks a while 2 days after I finished the pair I made for Anne but I never took pictures and posted them so here they are they're like the same as Anne's I just wanted a pair of knitted socks that aren't 2x to big for my feet. I volunteered at the Bridal Show for TROUPE again handing out bags to carry stuff in so yeah....hence the somewhat fancy clothes but trust me those shirts are stained and have holes in them (not that fancy, right?). Anyway my parents had a conference in Austin so Leon and I had fun riding around town on the 'Dillos (trolley impersonators) we went to a awesome bookstore called BookPeople and I got the last book in the Twilight Saga (I've been reading them obsessively which is part of then reason why I haven't been posting) which I'm almost done with now (it's huge like 700 something pages (I'm not kidding)). My Dad and I went to the capitol which was really cool I don't have much to say about that so I'll just let you look at the pictures they say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Leon and I went to the river and walked along the bike/walking trail/path and we went under the bridge where there used to be a ton of bats but apparently now there isn't very many since they've been trying to kill all the mosquitoes in Austin. We went to the most amazingest store in the universe called Whole Foods we used to go there like all the time when we lived in WI so it was awesome. They have like a resturant and so many other cool things like outside they have tables and chairs so you can eat and they have a awesome little fountain/river in the middle of the place and when you throw away paper they compost it YAY!