I couple days ago I completed my first art project for school. It was a "stylized name design". Anyway I'm actually pretty proud of it so I felt like posting a picture of it. =)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I couple days ago I completed my first art project for school. It was a "stylized name design". Anyway I'm actually pretty proud of it so I felt like posting a picture of it. =)
Friday, March 20, 2009
My First Paycheck
I got my first (and probably last until next year when all of the older kids leave for college) paycheck in the mail today! I babysat at my church a week ago since all of the real babysitters had stuff to do and so that's why I got a paycheck today. I guess that's all. I just wanted to post that I got my first paycheck.
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well since it's spring break and I have no shows at TROUPE I can finally get my hair cut. So yesterday I got a trim and some bangs, and here's a picture. It's from this afternoon at lunch. My brother and a ton of kids from his gymnastics place went to a restaurant called "Chicken Oil". The food wasn't that good and it wasn't fun since I don't even know any of the kids from his gymnastics place, but oh well.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Manhattan Melodies 2

Sunday was my last performance of "Manhattan Melodies" at TROUPE. I got to sing three solos "Somewhere That's Green", "Forget About the Boy" and "Beauty and the Beast". It was incredibly fun and I didn't feel as freaked out about having to dance as I normally do. I really wanted to get to sing "Forget About the Boy" and we didn't audition for solos in this show. So, I feel really lucky that I got to sing it. I got sick the second day of the show, but luckily I didn't sound too bad until the last show. At least I was better off than another girl who got sick. She got so sick that she couldn't even sing her songs. After the last show we recorded a song called "Thank You for the Music" for a DVD that TROUPE is going to give to potential sponsors. The reason why they made this special DVD and stuff is because this summer we're doing "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" and someone from the original Broadway cast is going to be directing us. So, they need more money than usual. I was one of the four girls who got to sing a little solo on that song (Thank You for the Music) which was cool. After all that I went to a lock-in at TROUPE which was fun. So I was really busy last weekend. The picture is from "Forget About the Boy" and yes I know I look insane.
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Man Who Came to Dinner, Improv Workshop, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Improv Show
I went on another trip with TROUPE to go see some shows, but this time we stayed overnight. First we went to go see the play "The Man Who Came to Dinner" which was really funny. We went to our hotel after that. I was really lucky that I got to room with all of my friends. We ate pizza at our hotel around 1:30 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. We ended up going to sleep around 3:00 a.m. We got up at 7:00 a.m. I curled my friend Anne's hair and I curled my hair too. We ate breakfast at the hotel. We packed up all of our stuff and then went to an improv workshop. The workshop was really fun, but I stink at improv. So I felt pretty embarrassed. We ate lunch (Jason's Deli) at the place where we had the workshop. After that we went to go see "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" which was really amazing. Afterwards there was a question and answer session with some of cast members. We almost forgot about it, but luckily some of the kids remembered. We went to go eat Bar-B-Que and then we went to go see an improv show at the same place where we had the workshop. It was a competitive improv show meaning that there were two teams and they competed for points and stuff. Twice the audience members got to vote on which team did better and to do that you bought fly swatters. So when it was time to vote you raised up one of your fly swatters that matched the color of the team who you thought did better. I had a lot of fun on this trip and I was really happy 'cause my best friends went.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My sunday school class had our bake sale at church today and we raised one hundred and twenty two dollars!!!! That's two dollars more than the elementary school sunday school class raised with their birdhouses! YAY! So like I said in my last post we are going to use the money to buy stuff animals for kids in the hospital, but since we raised soooooooooooooooooo much money I think we're going to use some of it for future projects as well. Like I think our next project is going to be sewing pillows for the animal shelter. And someone's mom has some fabric she's going to give us, but we'll need to buy stuffing for the pillows. So we'll probably end up using some of the money to buy that. Anway......WOW 122.00 DOLLARS!!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sunday School Service Project #1
So for sunday school this year all the different classes are doing service projects. My class (the Middle School class) is trying to do several service projects instead of just one (I think...). So far the Elementary School class has built birdhouses, sold them at church, and donated the money to the Animal Shelter. Well my class' first project was to knit scarfs and go to the hospital and donate them to the kids who are in the hospital. (MY IDEA!!! =DD) It's really important to me because I was in the hospital and looking back at the stuff my friends gave me when I was in the hospital just makes me happy. (not happy that I was in the hospital, but happy that people are nice enough to come and visit you and give you stuff) So we also decided to have a bake sale at church tomorrow to earn money to buy stuffed animals to give along with the scarfs. So I baked some chocolate chip cookies tonight and I finished my scarf last week, but I'm posting the picture now with the picture of my cookies. (and yes as evidence by the picture with my scarf, I am a dork)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Ebony Overtures the 2nd
My goodness! This is the second time I've written about "Ebony Overtures" at TROUPE. It just makes me happy that I now have to write "the 2nd" after "Ebony Overtures"! Well this year it was a lot more fancy-smancy. Instead of being a show at TROUPE it was catered and held at a BIG church. It was fun the kids in TROUPE only had 9 solos and danced to 2 other songs. Mostly there were people that are "famous" in the tiny town that I live in. I was one of the four girls that got to sing which made me feel special (in the good way not in the you're weird way). I sang "One Fine Day" by "The Chiffons" which I was one of the songs I sang in "Flashback Fever". The kids all brought in stuff that shows who they are like ribbons and junk, and most of them were centerpieces, but the really new kids just had their stuff on tables that no one ate at. I had a voice lesson before the show, but my voice teacher was running late so we only warmed-up and sang "Lost in Your Eyes" once for fun. She lent me a belt to go with the outfit I was wearing for the show. During the actual performance I had to wear a really ugly and HUGE T-shirt. Like seriously it was at least one size too big maybe two sizes too big. So rather than show a picture of my in my hideous T-shirt I felt like posting a picture of the outfit I wore after I was finished performing.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Eurydice, Hard Rock Cafe, Legally Blonde, Laura Bell Bundy
Yesterday I went with TROUPE to go see that play Eurydice and the musical Legally Blonde. It was so much fun! First we went to go see which Eurydice was really good and the inside of the theater looked really cool. Then we had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. We were there forever! 'Cause we had dinner at 4:30 and Legally Blonde didn't start until 7:00 so we were there for around 2 hours. Then we went to go see Legally Blonde and we found out that the girl who played Elle (the star of the show) in the original Broadway cast was playing her tonight. So I was really excited and some people were like bursting with happiness. The show was amazing! Afterwards we ended up waiting outside the "Stage Door" to get autographs and we all got a group picture with Laura Bell Bundy (the broadway person). It was soooooo much fun!!! =DDD
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Red, Red and More Red (or Happy Valentines Day)
Well it just so happens that my last three knitting projects are all red, so I think it's kinda neat to post them all on Valentines Day. I made some slippers when I was staying at my parent's friend's house, I also made a hat I finished about half of it during Comedy Tonight, and then yesterday I finished some little baby booties for some people at my church who are having a baby. (there's going to be a small baby shower tomorrow) On the subject of the baby booties yesterday I went to see a show at TROUPE called "Frankly Sinatra" so it was a collection of Frank Sinatra's songs. I wasn't in the show because the only people in the show were TROUPE's director and a friend of his. Anyway the way it related to the baby booties is that I finished the second one while I was watching the show. Then more on the baby booties today I went shopping for baby shower presents while some of the girls from my church and I picked out this adorably CUTE duck. Do you know the stuffed animals where you can learn to tie bows, button and un-button stuff, fasten belts, etc. well that was the type of toy my duck was. I just love when stuffed animals are wearing raincoats and so that's why I picked it out when I realized it was also what it is that just made it cooler. (and that duck is wearing the booties I made, cute right?)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Comedy Tonight
I had my last performance of "Comedy Tonight" tonight (wow that sounds repetitive). "Comedy Tonight" was a bunch of random funny scenes, some musical parody and some improv scenes all together in one show. What was really awesome about this show was the kids got to direct, costume and handle props for all the scenes! I costumed two scenes "A Peculiar Bridge Game" (old lady costumes) and "Slightly Exaggerated" (fancy dresses). I started with two parts and then a girl named Kierstin quit and I got a part as a British lady. What was bad about this show is everyone dropped like flies. At least half the cast got the flu! So, during intermission yesterday a girl named Susie got sick and left, so I ended up going on stage for "Slightly Exaggerated" with my script in hand and in one of my other costumes. Well today Susie was still sick, luckily I had memorized all the lines for that part and when I got there I picked out a fancy dress for my costume (I was the costumer for this scene). So I ended up with four parts (more parts than anyone else =D ). So clearly this show was CRAZY!!! I did have fun though. =D Well here's some pictures of me and my friends. =)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Awesomely Cute Outfit!
I just HAD to post pictures of my cuuuuuuuuute outfit I wore today. I LOVE these new leggings/tights I got yesterday, I'm so happy my friend Anne talked me into buying them!!! =) I went to a rehearsal after church today for my upcoming TROUPE show "Comedy Tonight". I think I might have mentioned earlier that "Comedy Tonight" is a comedy variety show and that there are some people in TROUPE who do improv comedy who are also going to do that during the show. Anyway mostly I just put on jeans and a t-shirt I like, but today I actually put together an "outfit" and I LOVE it!!!!! The first picture is more of my "outfit" and the second picture is a better picture of my legging/tights.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Mall Day
I was going to ask my friend Maggie if she wanted to go to the mall with me since I haven't seen her in FOREVER! (She goes to a private school and so she has loads of homework) But when I called her mom said she was talking to a friend from school. So I ended up asking my friend Anne if she wanted to go the mall with me and she did (she needed to look for a tennis skirt for our upcoming TROUPE show). We had a really fun time! I got a tank-top that I needed to wear under two of my costumes for the show, and I got so really cute, adorable, overpriced leggings. (we went into "Limited Too" to make fun of the clothes, but instead I ended up getting some over priced leggings (I just love them soooo much)) Oh yeah, and we got some smoothies! YUM! The only bad thing was we didn't end up finding a tennis skirt =(. But we had such a fun time we decided to try to go next month when we have some money to spend on clothes and ask our other friend Sarah to come. (especially 'cause we found out that there's a SUSHI PLACE in the food court and apparently we both love sushi) The other pic is my oat waffle from this really awesome breakfast place downtown. I love my waffle!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Ethel is the name of my new cowl that I made using the EDI Cowl pattern. I finished it today during an after church class thingy. The story behind a cowl named Ethel? Well, I'll just start with why I made Ethel. Last night I realized that the sweater I had been working on a couple months ago was simply hopeless (see picture 1). That blob in the picture was supposed to be the back of the sweater. Well it's obviously way too big! I mean I could rap it all the way around me! So, I unraveled my sweater (sadly might I add) then I was looking at some knitting patterns and I came across the EDI Cowl and I thought that the unraveled sweater yarn would be perfect. Now as for the name, I got the casting for my upcoming TROUPE show "Comedy Tonight" and I'm an old lady named Ethel in one scene. Plus I love Ethel Merman (HERO!) so hence the "Ethel Cowl".
Friday, January 23, 2009
Meet & Greet
This morning in the wee hours of the morning (and by wee hours I mean 7:30....AM!!!) I woke up, very much so NOT happy! I had to get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, brush my teeth, ect. and then go to the Connections Academy "Meet '& Greet" which just in case you're wondering, it was TWO HOURS away. So grumpy Sylvia (that's me) went to the stupid "Meet & Greet". Her real teachers weren't there *grumble grumble*, but there were people who had to fly in from far far away. They're like the principals I guess. Anyway they were nice and I was grumpy until around 11:00 which is when I guess my body felt like "Ok, it's time to get up!" (yes, I'm a VERY late sleeper (I'm not some sleep deprived public school child who goes to bed at 1:00 AM after finally finishing their homework and then wakes up six hours later at 7:00 AM to get ready to go to school)) so then I was happy! The "Meet & Greet" actually turned out to be pretty fun. There was only one other family there and then the three principals. We ate breakfast/lunch at "Dickey's Barbecue" we had a sandwich, a side, and dun dun dun dun.........A DESSERT! I had some delicious pecan pie YUMMMM! The principals and the other family were all really nice and the other kid who showed up was in 3rd grade just like Leon. So, it actually turned out to be pretty fun. (and as always I have picture documentation so there are picture of me, Leon, and the other kid with our new Connections Academy T-shirts and then there's a picture of us with the three principals)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Where are you Christmas
Here's a video of me singing for the Christmas Pageant at my church last year. Wow, I can't believe I'm saying last Christmas was last year time just zooms by.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Austin Conference
My parents had a psychology conference in Austin this weekend. So I was in Austin from Thursday to today (Saturday). Last time my parents had a conference in Austin we were staying in a hotel downtown. So Leon and I had a lot of fun going to the river, the capitol, "Whole Foods", a bookstore called "Book People" and walking around. This time we were in a hotel that was around 5 minutes away from downtown. So we didn't get to go downtown and walk around. =( I mostly did my school work on my mom's laptop. I got a little bit ahead in science which is good. The first night we were there we did go out to eat downtown with a friend of my parents we went to a restaurant called "Thai Tara", I don't really like Thai food that much, but it was ok. Today we went out to eat for lunch downtown at a burger place that was connected to a record store. We also got to go to my favoritest place in the whole world!!!! ("Whole Foods") So I have plenty of pictures from that. Let's see first there's a picture of the sign from "Thai Tara", there's a picture of me when I was bored, there's a picture of the perfumes in "Whole Foods", can you believe that there was "Play-Doh" scented perfume?, there's a picture of me by the "Whole Foods" sign (proof that I was there), there's a picture of me with my new natural bristle brush from "Whole Foods", there's a picture of me with some awesome soap we got from "Whole Foods", and then there's a picture of a awesome newspaper gift bag we got at "Whole Foods".
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
What I'm Doing Today
I mostly wanted to take this picture and post it. So look at my five million shiny text books. I have like another 50 pounds of school stuff that isn't textbooks fyi. I also have my voice lesson binder, my tape recorder with headphones so I can listen to my taped voice lessons, there are two notebooks one for my notes in Social Studies, the other notebook is for writing down Broadway songs that could work for the upcoming TROUPE show called "Manhattan Melodies". The VIPS kids (me included) are planning this show that's coming up in March. So as you can see I'm up to my eyes in all sorts of books and work.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Castle on a Cloud
These are some mittens that are basically the same as the ones I made for my Aunt Janie, but I ended up giving them to my grandmother Mimi. I made these mittens for my voice teacher Molly. I named them for the one of the songs we worked on yesterday at my voice lesson (Castle on a Cloud (from Les Miserables)). I love the yarn for making mittens!!! I used some of the same brand and type of yarn (different colors) to make mittens in June and July, and then I used the same yarn to make mittens for my grandmother. I also have a picture of my binder, me (I LOVE binders and notebooks!), and one of my new favorite songs (Not for the Life of Me (from Thoroughly Modern Millie)).
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Little Gymnast
We went to my little brother Leon's first gymnastics meet of the season today! It was fun and even though he was nervous before the meet I think he had fun. I was there for like five hours. (I'm not joking!) Leon needed socks and a snack and he forgot them. So after getting Leon to the meet and finding his coach my dad and I went to Wal-Mart *cringe* to grab some "Power Bars" and socks. Luckily we got back before the meet started and I didn't see Leon, but I found his coach and gave him the socks and snack.During the meet I was able to finished a knitted hat that I was making as a birthday present for my friend. After the meet my mom and Leon and I went to "Denny's" and I had some french toast. YUM!! There's a picture of Leon doing a handstand (not his best handstand ever, but I was trying to get a picture) and a picture of me with my little gymnast brother.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Laugh out Loud
There's a group in TROUPE called the Oxymorons and they're an improv comedy group. So my brother Leon and I went to see their show Laugh out Loud. My mom and I have gone and my mom, my dad, and Leon have all gone before, but today just me and Leon went. The Oxymorons play improv games on stage and there is a lot of audience participation, like yelling out ideas for where they are and what they're doing ect. Anyway there is this one game called Bus Stop and someone comes on stage trying to act out some audience suggestion for a person. So our director writes down the name of the person on a white board so that the person coming on the "bus" can see it and the audience can see it, but not the people on the "bus". Then the people on the "bus" try to act out what/who they think the person is. So at intermission our director asked Leon is he would hold up the white board. I took a picture, but we aren't allowed to use camera flash during shows so the picture isn't that good and Leon's head was behind the board. You can see his orange shirt, black shorts, his hands, and the top of his head though. Exciting evening!
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