One of my dad's graduate students got married on Saturday! We went to the wedding and the reception. The wedding was really nice and the reception was actually pretty boring since we didn't know anyone there, but they had a chocolate fountain!!! It was so cool! I guess that's about all I was taking pictures of myself since I was bored....
Monday, December 29, 2008
One of my dad's graduate students got married on Saturday! We went to the wedding and the reception. The wedding was really nice and the reception was actually pretty boring since we didn't know anyone there, but they had a chocolate fountain!!! It was so cool! I guess that's about all I was taking pictures of myself since I was bored....
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I'll Be Home for Christmas

We do this show every year at TROUPE and it's called "I'll Be Home for Christmas" the idea is that we're all at a party at our director's house and one by one people get up to sing and their sharing their thoughts of Christmas or what the want for Christmas ect. I did this show last year and it's really fun! We get to play games, read books, and even eat snacks on stage then after a while we all get up and dance but mostly we have eat and play games then if you need to sing you just get up and move the the front of the stage. Anyway all that is really fun but this year my mom was in it too which was really cool there were a couple of other kid's moms that were in the show too. So it was fun, fun, fun and there's a picture of me and another girl singing a duet.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Trip the 2nd

This is the second time I've written a blog post about going to visit my dad's family in Alabama, and this time we got to fly instead of drive HALLELUJAH! So there a picture of me in the airport on a tram before our flight to Alabama. My dad's family owns a farm so they have cows they used to have chickens, ducks and guineas but they don't anymore. They also have a creek for the cows, and I love that creek so much. Sometimes you can find geodes there, and there's a picture of me being a dork by the creek. There's also this really old collapsed house on the farm and for some reason there were quite a few parking signs leaning against the house. I'm not honestly sure what I was doing except being a dork. I started this new online school thing called Connections Academy and my grandparents don't have internet so I had to do my schoolwork at the mall there and on Christmas day the mall was closed to we were driving around trying to find somewhere with internet and then we saw a person dressed up as Santa Claus in the back of a slug bug!!! Then there's a picture of some clouds from the airplane on our way home.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Voice Lessons
I had my third lesson from my new voice teacher today I've been taking some classical voice lessons from someone named Kearby, but I'm taking some theater voice lessons from someone named Molly and I'm having so much fun and I feel like I'm learning a lot about singing. I'm singing On My Own from Les Miserables and Home from Beauty and the Best (the song is only the stage version not the cartoon) for my lessons so far. On My Own is really fun to sing since it's more of a mezzo/alto song but I'm working on getting stronger on singing higher songs with Home which I'm really excited about.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Pageant
Yesterday was my church Christmas Pageant and my mom had to run it. It was kinda fun some kids played stuff on the piano, some kid played violin, some kid played the cello, some kid sang "A la nita nana" and I got to sing "Where are you Christmas?" from the new movie about the Grinch which was really fun to sing. The different Sunday school classes sang some songs together and almost every kid had a reading.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It snowed today!!! IN TEXAS!!!! Leon and I actually had a snowball fight it was fun. I used to live in Wisconsin so I've seen a lot of snow but it's shocking and exciting that it snowed here. I had an engagement with TROUPE at a food drive and it was outside so I was freezing but it was fun anyway. I got to sing "Holiday in your Heart" it's such a cool song. There's a picture of me outside our church while it's snowing and a picture of me and Leon after our snowball fight.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It's Over

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever ended today. This would be my first real play that I had a lead role in....well in the last show it wasn't really a play but these two sisters and I were the stars of that and in School House Rock Live Jr. I had the smallest out of the only 6 speaking parts but this was the biggest part I've ever had in a real play. I'm sad that the play is over not quite as sad as I was when Flashback Fever was over but I think I might like this more then School House Rock Live Jr.....I'm not totally sure though. Anyway my dad's friend Brandon and his wife Eden and their son Isaac came to see my show this afternoon and the minister of my church and his wife cam to see it this afternoon too and they brought me these beautiful flowers. The woman who played Grace bought little candy cane ornaments for the whole cast and the woman who played one of the moms and her real life daughter was Imogene made us all applesauce cake which is funny because in the play she and the other moms burn the applesauce cake because of this HUGE disaster.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
I picked out some of the pictures that my dad took tonight during my show that I like. One is of me as Beth and my friend in the play Alice (it's not like she's not my friend when we're backstage but in the play I guess she's my snooty little best friend), one is of me during one of my little narrations (I narrate the play), and the last one is of me in the angel choir (the girl closest to the camera did some sign language on that song.
Christmas is Here

With last night being my second show of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" and earlier that evening/night TROUPErdores having a christmas engagement at a open air theater down town it really feels like christmas to me. Christmas time is so much fun in TROUPE, after this show is over we have another show called "I'll be Home for Christmas" and we have like 6 or 7 more engagements, so it's really busy this month. My mom and my dad and my brother came to see my show for the first time last night and check out the roses my mom brought me they're sooo pretty.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Janie's Mittens
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Renaissance Festival

My mom and dad and brother and I went to the Renaissance Festival today. We ate lunch there so we tried to eat turkey legs my mom and dad like them but they were to hard to eat for me and my brother to enjoy them so we each had a soft pretzel (they were gooood!). We heard some music and we walked around and they have these big trampolines and attach these big bungee cords to you so you can jump really high and some people flip but of course I was to chicken to flip, my brother and I have done it every year we've gone but for some reason he didn't want to do it this year but I had fun!
Geocaching on Thanksgiving

My dad and I went geocaching on Thanksgiving which is like this really cool treasure hunt type thing. Online at people who have hidden things like ammo boxes or tubberware containers somewhere in a park or something like that can post the coordinates and then if you have a GPS you can go and find them, inside of the containers there are little things like Mcdonalds toys and stuff so you can trade something else like that. Also there are these things called Travel Bugs and there some sort of toy or keychain or whatever and they have a dog tag with a number you can use to track them on the website and a lot of them have some sort of "goal" like to go somewhere like we found one that had a "goal" to go to New Orleans and we were going there in a couple of weeks so we took it there. Anyway my dad and I must have walked like 2 or 3 miles in this park and we found two geocaches. I got a purple car from one of them and a baby rattle from an other one.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Flashback Fever!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
School House Rock Live!

Like I said in my last post TROUPE went to a town about an hour and a half or two hours away to see a small college's production of "School House Rock Live!" (I was is school house rock live jr.! FUN!) because someone who used to be in TROUPE or is in TROUPE sometimes was one of the stars! It was totally awesome and fun and amazing I wish we could do the junior version of the play again. Anyway here's a picture of me by the poster for the play and me and the person we came to see in the show.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
2 Shows, 1 Lead Role, 2 CDs, 1 Set of Auditions and 1 Crazy Piggy Bank

I've been really busy with learning my lines for "Beth" in "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", learning the Angel Choir songs for that show and working on auditions for "Flashback Fever" TROUPE's 50's and 60's music show that is performing next weekend. So even though I'm doing a bunch of stuff I just can't really figure out what to blog about, but I'll try right now. So in a couple of minutes I'm going to our 4th (I think) rehearsal for "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", yesterday I went to the first chance to audition for "Flashback Fever", and on Saturday and maybe on Sunday I'm going to audition again also on Saturday I'm going to go see "School House Rock Live!" with TROUPE a small college maybe 1 and a half or 2 hours away is performing the show right now. Oh yeah and I went to two engagements last week with TROUPE one for something called "First Fridays" downtown the first friday of every month they have live music and all sorts of cool stuff going on, and the second one was on Sunday for the Veterans Day Parade we all got cute little paper flowers at the end that apparently were hand made by veterans.
There is a piggy bank in the picture since I'm saving up to go to NYC with TROUPE in 2010.
Oh Yeah and my other CD was in my mom's car so it didn't get in the picture.
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day Hat

I finished a hat today it's just like my Colors of the Wind hat except it's different colors. Anyway since I finished it today I'm decided to call it my Election Day Hat. I went with my mom and dad to vote today so even though I'm too young to vote that's why I'm wearing a I Voted sticker I also got some new shirts for winter and I'm wearing one of them in this pic I LOVE the little hearts they're soo cute!
Dirty Dealings in Dixie (Socks)

I knitted a pair of socks for my director at TROUPE as a thank you for how he teaches me and the other kids at TROUPE so much about acting and singing. I ment to give them to him at the last Dirty Dealings in Dixie performance (My friend Anne knitted him a pillow as a thank you too) but I didn't have enough time to finish them but TROUPE had a lock-in on Halloween and I finished them the day before. I also found out the casting for The Best Christmas Pageant Ever last Sunday and I found out that I'm Beth (the star so I'm like superly happy!!)
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Basically I just wanted to post some of my favorite pictures of Rigby (my cousin) and also go check out my Aunt and Uncle's toy store blog ToyStoreGossip. Leon and I helped to take some of the pictures there like this one of fairies.
Dirty Dealings in Dixie

Last Thursday was my first performance of "Dirty Dealings in Dixie" and last Sunday was my last performance it was really fun and REALLY tiring my Aunt and Uncle and their baby Rigby were here too. I was Mrs.Chataway one of the two town gossips I really hate that that's what I was since really it was some much cooler then it sounds. The play was a spoof of "Gone With the Wind" so we all got amazing costumes (and I got a gun!! (and I got to point it at people in the audience!!!) and the audience got to "BOO!" and "YAY!!" and "AWWW!" and best of all.....THROW POPCORN!! Anyway it was tons of fun! Last Saturday I went to two engagements/performances with TROUPE so basically all day it was performance after performance after performance but it was fun I got to sing 2 solo songs and the same little solo twice in a medley. So anyway to sum it up last weekend was REALLY busy and yesterday and the day before we had auditions for our next show! (friends were cropped and blacked out of the picture so thats why they look weird.)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Colors of the Wind

Someone at my church gave the sermon or talk as a guest speaker a couple weeks ago and she asked me to sing during the offering. She said that her topic was nature and to pick a song about nature so I picked "Colors of the Wind" from "Pocahontas". I had knitted a hat to wear that Sunday and then she asked me about my hat and I said I knitted it so she gave me two skeins of beautiful Yarn Bee Mosaic Twist in Terra Rose as a thank you present last Sunday. So I made a hat out of it which I had been wanting to make for a while but I didn't have the right yarn for it, and I think I have enough left to make some matching mittens.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Socktoberfest! (Dragon Tales)

Well it's Socktoberfest and so when we were in Austin I was working on these lovely socks. I finished sock #1 and most of sock #2 but two days ago I finally finished sock #2 at home . I also had left sock #1 in the hotel room in Austin but the people at the Hilton mailed it back to me (and it was stained (but I got the stain out)). Clearly my first Socktoberfest socks have been through a lot. I named them Dragon Tales after a show on PBS I used to watch when I was littler.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Austin etc.

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