This is the second time I've written a blog post about going to visit my dad's family in Alabama, and this time we got to fly instead of drive HALLELUJAH! So there a picture of me in the airport on a tram before our flight to Alabama. My dad's family owns a farm so they have cows they used to have chickens, ducks and guineas but they don't anymore. They also have a creek for the cows, and I love that creek so much. Sometimes you can find geodes there, and there's a picture of me being a dork by the creek. There's also this really old collapsed house on the farm and for some reason there were quite a few parking signs leaning against the house. I'm not honestly sure what I was doing except being a dork. I started this new online school thing called Connections Academy and my grandparents don't have internet so I had to do my schoolwork at the mall there and on Christmas day the mall was closed to we were driving around trying to find somewhere with internet and then we saw a person dressed up as Santa Claus in the back of a slug bug!!! Then there's a picture of some clouds from the airplane on our way home.
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