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Here are the pictures of my knitted stuff that it took my forever to get up! This is a shawl that I made and a hood/hat. Also like I posted yesterday we had auditions I'm just glad that we're done with that set it's too bad we also have more auditions next week. I don't think we really have anything to do today just TROUPE later. We're reading thru the summer's production of Annie Jr. I also knitted a baby bib for my parent's friend's kid who is turning one tomorrow that should take me less time to get the picture on the blog. But here is a link to the pattern.
On Friday I went to a Lock-In at TROUPE (without Leon because he had a gymnastics meet early on Saturday). We played team games with a Animated theme we did skits (my team won 2nd (out of 3 teams)), trivia (my team won 3rd), beat the clock (which is like naming certain things in a certain amount of time in this case it was naming characters in certain cartoons (once again my team won 3rd =()) and musical chairs (we didn't really have places for this but my team didn't win). So =(. The next day I went to Leon's gymnastics meet it was for state, and then later I went to a women's softball game with TROUPE. I also knitted a hat that matches my shawl (I really really need to post pics) and a hat that I made up the pattern for. Today we have auditions for "Composer's Spotlight" at TROUPE and I am soooo nervous.
We finished "Channel Surfing" last Saturday. It was fun but I was sad it wasn't a musical. Although the kids in VIPS (private vocal lessons which I am in) got to sing 1 song each before the show. So that was fun I sang "My New Philosophy" from the musical "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" (in the musical Sally Brown sing "My New Philosophy"). The song is awesome! We're having a performance called "Composer's Spotlight" in May. It's not a play or a musical it's like Ebony Overtures or Manhattan Melodies there might be some speaking but only a little and it's a bunch of different songs from different movies and plays. Hopefully it'll be fun.

I have been knitting a ton of purses for my friends at TROUPE since I brought my purse to TROUPE one day and one of my friends was like "Did you make this?" and I'm like "Yes" and she was like "Can you make me one?" and I'm like "Sure". Also most of us are in the intermission room most of the time and I wanted something to do. So here are some pictures of them.