On Friday I went to a Lock-In at TROUPE (without Leon because he had a gymnastics meet early on Saturday). We played team games with a Animated theme we did skits (my team won 2nd (out of 3 teams)), trivia (my team won 3rd), beat the clock (which is like naming certain things in a certain amount of time in this case it was naming characters in certain cartoons (once again my team won 3rd =()) and musical chairs (we didn't really have places for this but my team didn't win). So =(. The next day I went to Leon's gymnastics meet it was for state, and then later I went to a women's softball game with TROUPE. I also knitted a hat that matches my shawl (I really really need to post pics) and a hat that I made up the pattern for. Today we have auditions for "Composer's Spotlight" at TROUPE and I am soooo nervous.
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