My family and I went on vacation to Madison WI and then my parents had a conference in Chicago IL (hence the no posting). It was fun and now I have a ton of pictures, I took over 200 but luckily I'm only going to post a few.....some....a lot. I knitted a bunch of toys in the car on the drive to Madison so I have pictures of my knitted toys. First I have Bob the 1st and Bob the 2nd doing their secret hand shake. I made Bob the 2nd for my friend in Madison, but she made Bob the 2nd a girl and re-named him Magenta. We we're still driving/in the car on my birthday so I have a picture of me in the hotel room on my 12th birthday, and what would pictures be without Leon so here he is (except it's a video)! We ate at "Waffle House" for breakfast on my birthday and they had tiny salt and pepper shakers he put on a little play with them. There are the remains of my birthday waffle and my knitted toilet paper! We ate at "Steak and Shake" for lunch which was cool 'cause I don't think I've ever seen one/eaten at one before. Leon and I got hats there so there are pictures of us wearing them. The next day Leon and I spent visiting friends we had to go the pet store with them (twice because the first store didn't have rat food), and I took some pictures of the parakeets.
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